Women Mystics, Second Edition (Digital)

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Bouyer studies five female figures whose influence catalyzed an interior renaissance within Catholicism—the kind the Church needs as much today as it did in times past. Between Hadewijch of Antwerp, Teresa of Avila, Thérèse of Lisieux, Elizabeth of the Trinity, and Edith Stein, there is a striking continuity, yet each is unique—and deeply creative—in her spiritual mission, and each has given to Christians a vivid glimpse into the reality of the living God.

Editorial Reviews

"This book is a treasure. Bouyer acts as a wise, knowledgeable guide, and with his help, these women will bring you to the Heart of Jesus."
—Kathryn Jean Lopez, Author, A Year with the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living

“Bouyer's scholarly mastery of the field of spirituality provides an entrée to a world as enriching to Catholic men as to women. Fascinating and rewarding!"
—Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Author, Treasury of Women Saints

"The Christian women who have enjoyed the mystical vision of God are clearly a voice of reason amidst all the foolishness said about women in today's confused world. Father Bouyer is a master teacher and unsurpassed in describing God's gift to these women."
—Father George Rutler, Author, He Spoke to Us: Discerning God in People and Events

"Father Bouyer’s deep admiration for Teresa of Avila and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) is inspiring, and so is his reverence for the tender expression of faith and hope articulated by Hadewijch of Antwerp and Elizabeth of the Trinity. But most moving for me is his bending of the knee to the Little Flower of Carmel, who, as he says, ‘is indeed the Saint that we need'."
—Kris McGregor, from the Foreword


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