Transcending All Understanding (Digital)

The Meaning of Christian Faith Today

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April 13, 2011
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Product Overview

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This is a popular account, by one of Europe's leading theologians, of the meaning of Christian faith and the serious contemporary challenges to that faith. Kasper has gathered together various lectures and revised and reworked them for publication. Not intended to be a theological treatise on faith, these very readable reflections address some of the real obstacles to the understanding and deepening of personal faith in today's world.

Kasper examines the problem of "the handing on of the faith" that exists almost everywhere today. Faith itself is in question today, not simply the "how" of its being taught or handed on, but the "what" and "why" of faith. The knowledge of the faith has fallen to a new low today, and many of the fundamental attitudes of belief - reverence, humility, trust and devotion - have become foreign to us. Kasper provides profound insights into these problems and then give clear solutions to this modern dilemma.


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