The Sexual Revolution (Digital)

History, Ideology, Power

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The sexual revolution is part of wider and deeper developments happening in our world. It asserts the total freedom of the individual to behave as if the traditions of religion, the wisdom of philosophy, and the realities of biology have no claim on how we live, especially in the area of sexuality.

The author traces the history of the sexual revolution, from the early days of the Enlightenment through Marxist movements to our own times, and the failure of governments and even churches to defend sound principles for sexual behavior. He records the constant teaching of popes and Church councils and highlights their focus on the integration of sexual morality and personality within the contexts of human nature, marriage, and the welfare of children.

Bishop Elliott acknowledges that Catholic parents, teachers, and pastors need guidance about sexual ethics. And so do high school and college students. To help them understand the teaching of the Church and affirm it, he offers not only the clarity that comes from a thorough understanding of the subject, but also the pastoral sensitivity that has resulted from decades of service to the Church.

Editorial Reviews

"The best book I have read on this subject. It is a highly readable account of the history of the sexual revolution, the ideas that underpinning it, and its social effects over the past two centuries. There are many books on facets of the sexual revolution written from a Christian perspective. The merit of this one is that it seeks to cover the field – all the milestones along the way and all the big names – but it does so at a level of expression that any intelligent teenager could follow."
— Tracey Rowland, St. John Paul II Chair of Theology, University of Notre Dame (Australia)

"Bishop Elliott's book is a great tool for defending Catholic sexual ethics as humane and reasonable. His experience representing the Holy See at the United Nations has given him a ring-side seat in the battles showing just how radical the sexual revolutionaries really are. He offers a rare combination of sound theology and practical experience."
— Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder and President, the Ruth Institute.

"Bishop Elliott brilliantly illuminates the sexual revolution's roots and its harvest of horrors.  But, above all, this is a book that offers hope of redemption and renewal, for Christ came into the world not as the savior from the body, but as the savior of the body. This book opens the way to that salvation!"
— Christopher West, Th.D., President, Theology of the Body Institute

"Ever wonder why culture took such a sharp turn away from God's plan for human love? Bishop Peter Elliott offers readers a thorough diagnosis of how we got here, and more importantly, presents a clear plan for what needs to be done to get back!" 
— Jason Evert, Author, Male, Female, Other? A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender

"This book is a marvel of concision and comprehensiveness. It is also a timely reminder that the Church is the last bastion of truth and sanity left standing. As Bishop Elliott surveys the wasteland that the sexual revolution has left in its wake, he also maps out a blueprint for recovery that leaves one with hope."
— Robert Reilly, Author, America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding


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