The Rosary

A Prayer of Miracles



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Product Details

Product Code:
0.56 (in)
Size (HxW):
7.5 x 5.38 (in)
Publication date:
October 15, 2021
75 minutes
3.79 oz
All Categories

A deeply inspiring documentary that reveals the miraculous power of the Rosary from incredible stories of how it saved nations and impacted history. A young American soldier was seriously injured in war. With his clenched fist, dirty with blood, he raised a Rosary. The true story of this photograph was an inspiration for the film directors to embark on a journey across four continents to investigate claims that the recitation of the Rosary can change the course of history.

Is it true that a crusade of the Rosary caused the Soviet troops to withdraw from Austria, and that the prayer of the Rosary by hundreds of thousands of demonstrators caused the fall of Fernando Marcos in the Philippines? Will the mystical vision of a Nigerian bishop be confirmed that the terrorist group Boko Haram would be defeated by the prayer of the Rosary? Will a million white rosaries restore peace in Ukraine? With stunning live footage from these events, this is the great epic story about the power of the Rosary prayer, intertwined with the destiny of nations and the world.