The Mission of the Prophets (Digital)

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May 04, 2012
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Adrienne von Speyr, whom Hans Urs von Balthasar credits with having an incalculable influence on his own writing, examines the mission of thirty-four figures in salvation history, from Abraham, through Moses, David, Elijah, and Isaiah, to the New Testament era and Our Lady. Mission is central to Christian life, and if we are to do justice to what God chooses for us, we can profit from looking at the chosen ones in scripture and seeing how they accepted their callings and lived out a life of service. Adrienne's contemplation on these unique missions helps us to open ourselves and respond to the call of God in our own lives.

Editorial Reviews

"Von Speyr's main concern with these great figures of the Old Testament is their inner decisions, their prayers, their tasks, their fulfillment of the roles God has assigned to them. Their missions were both personal and historical - different and new in every case, always surprising and never to be calculated." 
— Hans Urs von Balthasar


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