The Lord

Introduction by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

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Product Details

Product Code:
1.69 (in)
Size (HxW):
8.31 x 5.44 (in)
Publication date:
September 01, 1996
25.76 oz
All Categories

Product Overview

This classic work is the most complete and in-depth telling of the life of Christ—his life and times, in historical context, but not lacking the psychology behind his physical being and spirit. Unlike other books seeking to strip Jesus' story to reveal only the human being, Romano Guardini's The Lord gives the complete story of Jesus Christ—as man, and as God. Pope Benedict XVI lauds Guardini's work as providing a full understanding of the Son of God, away from the prejudice that rationality engenders. Put long-held myths aside and discover the entire truth about God's only begotten Son.

Editorial Reviews

"This book is a masterpiece. It embodies the wealth of modern exegetical criticism opened by Protestant theologians like Karl Barth, the greatest traditions of 'devotio moderna, ' French seventeenth century thought, the great insights of the Catholic mystics, and the matured speculation of scholasticism. But above all, it is an approach to Christ through the Gospels."
--H.A. Reinhold, Commonweal

"Guardini's book The Lord has not grown old, precisely because it still leads us to that which is essential, to that which is truly real, Jesus Christ Himself. That is why today this book still has a great mission."
--Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger


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