The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

A History in Three Dimensions

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This is a history of Christendom over the twenty centuries since the time of Christ, focusing on what was good, bad and beautiful in each century. At the heart of all healthy societies and cultures is the presence of the good, the true and the beautiful. This triune presence is perfected in the person of Christ who is "the Way, the Truth and the Life", and thus, we can see the very pattern of history as a tapestry of varying threads which are good, bad or beautiful.

These threads reflect the three facets of man, who manifests himself in life and in history as homo viator, homo superbus and anthropos. The three threads weave their way through the hearts of each and every person, forming the tapestry which reveals the pattern of our individual lives. Thus, these same threads weave their way through the collective lives of men and are the three dimensions of history itself.

No one has seen this three-dimensional pattern in the tapestry of history more clearly than Benedict XVI. In words of beauty and brilliance, Pope Benedict speaks of the goodness of the saints and the beauty of art as the only antidote to the dark thread of evil which runs through the whole of human history. All three threads are interwoven in the history of man because they are all interwoven in the heart of man. Inspired by this understanding of history by Pope Benedict, Joseph Pearce presents the history of the past two millennia in the light of this three-dimensional pattern of the good, the bad and the beautiful.