The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality

Expanded Edition

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Product Code:
0.5 (in)
Size (HxW):
8.9 x 6 (in)
Publication date:
August 14, 2017
12 oz
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Product Overview

The gift of human sexuality allows us to choose, or not to choose, to participate in one form of God's creation. This book presents the understanding of human sexuality that divine revelation offers us. It is intended primarily for Christian adults who wish to know not only what kinds of sexual behavior are right or wrong but also why such behavior is right or wrong for those who seek to follow Christ.

This expanded version of The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality includes a work on the theology of natural family planning that was unfinished at the time of the author's death. Father Paul Quay considered the matter in the light of faith and not simply on the natural level, which was his approach to the study of human sexuality in general.

Understanding sexuality as part of the Christian mystery is offered us through the Scriptures and the living Tradition of the Church. Father Quay uses both to show what sexuality means in Christian terms. His insightful descriptions of the complementarity of male and female, a complementarity that is psychological, spiritual, and physical, are exceptionally illuminating. He explains the Bible's frequent use of the symbolism of marriage and sexuality to reveal the relationship between God and his people and the relationship of spouses to one another. He also reflects on the natural symbolism of the human body and of spousal communion.

About the Editor:
Joseph Koterski, S.J., is a member of the Philosophy Department at Fordham University. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Philosophical Quarterly and regularly teaches courses on natural law ethics and medieval philosophy.

Editorial Reviews

"A superb book that is intelligent, realistic and grounded in a profound faith in the truths about human persons and human sexuality set forth in divine revelation."
— William E. May, Ph.D., Professor of Moral Theology, Catholic University of America

p>"This expanded edition adds Father Quay's scriptural reflections not only of the natural but also of the supernatural meaning of the cycles of fertility, conjugal relations, and natural family planning."
— Hanna Klaus, M.D., M.M.S., Executive Director of the Natural Family Planning Center of Washington, D.C., and founder of Teen STARr

p>"Father Quay sets forth in clear and profound explanations the truth of God's plan for man and woman as sexual beings called to live chaste lives. He demonstrates how Catholic teaching liberates us from the sadness produced by sexual immorality and guides us to true happiness in purity and love."
—Gerald Murray, Pastor of Holy Family Church, New York, N.Y., and member of EWTN's "Papal Posse"

"Paul Quay, S.J., like St. John Paul II, draws on rich scriptural symbolism to illuminate the Church's profound view of the meaning of love between man and woman. This book is a must-read for all dissatisfied with the trivialization of sexuality in our secular culture."
— Mary Shivanandan, S.T.D, Author, Crossing the Threshold of Love: A New Vision of Marriage in the Light of John Paul II's Anthropology

p>"This book provides theologically sound answers to the confusion about human sexuality within the Church and our society. A valuable resource for parish priests, catechetical and marriage preparation instructors, spouses, parents, and religious."
— Sheri Rickert, Former Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Newark


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