The Chants of Christmas

Gregorian Chant



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Publication date:
December 01, 2012
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Product Overview

This Christmas, give the gift of music - the earliest, purest music of the church. Gregorian chant lifts us out of the ordinary stresses of life and invites us to contemplate the timeless and unchanging love of God. The Chants of Christmas presents some of the most beautiful Gregorian chants, including the Christmas Day Mass. Avoid the commercial frenzy of the season and enjoy this beautiful collection of peace and tranquility. This CD features the well known Introits: Dominus dixit and Puer natus, as well as the Christmas Day Mass and the Antiphons to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola is dedicated to the singing and study of Gregorian chant. Its expertise and experience come from daily chanting of the Liturgy of the Hours as well as the Ordinary and Proper of the Mass at the Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans, MA. The Schola also conducts chant workshops and performs in concert with Gloriæ Dei Cantores. Years of study with Dr. Mary Berry, CBE, founder of the Schola Gregoriana in Cambridge, England, and the monks of St. Peter’s Abbey in Solesmes, France, also contribute to the Schola’s passion for Gregorian chant as a vibrant and living form of sung prayer. Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola has been critically acclaimed in both Europe and the United States for its proper regard for rhythmic flexibility and its sensitivity to both musical and textural phrase.


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