Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven & Forgiven Complete Set

$149.95 $134.96


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Product Details

Product Code:
4.4 (in)
Size (HxW):
18.2 x 11.6 (in)
Publication date:
January 01, 2018
161 oz
All Categories
Religious Ed

Product Overview

The complete kit (over $400. value) consists of:

- Teacher Guide: Each session includes a clear overview and outline of the main objectives, as well as discussion questions to prompt engagement with the students and detailed instructions for each activity. Supplemental activities are also provided with a list of necessary materials and instructions. Also included is information for a parish leader on how to implement the program into a parish, specifics on how to hold parent sessions using the Augustine Institute's Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession, and an attendance poster to help teachers incentivize their students to complete take-home pages.

- You are Forgiven DVD Set of 7 Sessions (approx. 35 minutes each): Engaging, well-known presenters (Chris Stefanick, Matt Fradd and more!). Each session includes a short video that is carefully crafted to ease the child into the lesson for the day, helping them become open and excited for what they will learn. Animation, hand-drawn Catholic symbols and graphics, engaging sound, and warm, entertaining presenters meet them at their level and convey the big idea of what is about to be unpacked by their teacher.

  • Student Guide*Student Activity Book*
  • Set of Certificates (20)*
  • Set of Confession Cards (20)*
  • Set of Saint Prayer Cards (20 sets of 7)*
  • Forgiven (Parent Component) DVD set and Leader Guide*

* also sold separately

Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time by revealing that God is indeed "rich in mercy." Parent sessions using Award-winning Augustine Institute Studio's Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession help meet the crucial need for ongoing formation and catechesis for the entire family.

Curriculum: Session 1: God is Our Loving Father; Session 2: God Reveals His Saving Plan; Session 3: Jesus Comes to Save Us; Session 4: The Church Continues Christ's Saving Mission; Session 5: Morality, Life in Christ; Session 6: The Sacrament of Reconciliation; Session 7: Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


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