
Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year

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Product Details

Product Code:
1.25 (in)
Size (HxW):
10 x 7 (in)
Publication date:
April 27, 2020
34 oz
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Product Overview

Jesus told us to be perfect, and the Second Vatican Council highlighted this command by speaking of the universal call to holiness for all Christians. How do we answer this call? One great way is to learn from and pray with the saints, the ordinary men and women who fought the good fight to be holy until the end of their lives – and won.

The saints have inspired Christians for more than two thousand years because they show us what it looks like to follow Jesus Christ despite countless challenges and obstacles. This unique book contains short biographies of several saints, along with prayers to each one, for every day of the year. It also provides definitions of Church terms and other helpful back - ground information.

The saints in this collection come from every period of Church history and all walks of life. They represent numerous countries, cultures, age groups, and vocations. They show us that holiness truly is a path open to anyone, and by their example and prayers they help us to follow it.

Editorial Reviews

"There is so much packed into these pages! A thorough collection that will help you grow in holiness, one day at a time."— Danielle Bean, Brand Manager of; Author, You Are Enough

"This is a much needed resource! Beyond the many feast days of well-known saints, there are countless little-known and harder-to-find saints."—Sheila Liaugminas, Relevant Radio Host; Author, Non-Negotiable: Essential Principles of a Just Society and Humane Culture

" I love the saints and their feast days, and I have been waiting my whole adult life for a book exactly like this! It's got saints from every era. It's got saints from every level of society and corner of the world. There is a focus on historical fact, but not a neglect of longstanding legends."— Kendra Tierney, Author, The Catholic All year Compendium

"The virtues do not exisit in teh abstract. We really do know them only when we see them lived out by real people. This is why we refer to the saints as the "living Gospel". Dawn Beutner has done a great service in bringing together their short biographies for every day of the year."&mdash Fr. Paul Scalia, Author, That Nothing May Be Lost

"Encyclopedic in scope yet accessible in style, this book belongs in the library of every person of faith. Beutner's work is an inspiration prayer tool that reminds us that we study and emulate the saints to draw ever closer to God."— Lisa Hendey, Author, A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms

"In Scripture, we are told that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, a heavenly host of saints. Beutner's Saints will introduce you to many of these heavenly helpers on a daily basis. You'll learn amazing facts about their lives, but more than this, you will come away changed.— Sam Guzan, Author, The Catholic Gentleman


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