Pondering the Permanent Things

Reflections on Faith, Art and Culture

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Product Code:
0.88 (in)
Size (HxW):
8 x 5.25 (in)
Publication date:
June 26, 2023
13.04 oz
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Product Overview

God fashioned the universe as a seamless fabric, a marvelous, unified, orderly creation. But man’s sin tore it asunder, disrupting its great cosmic harmonies. Only Christ could make the symphony ring out again. And through a dazzling array of literature, music, sculpture, art, theater, and dance, men and women of faith, too, can work with Christ to mend the tear in the universe. 

According to the late Professor Thomas Howard, the poet and the prophet both speak a loud voice against the tide of secularism and eventual destruction. Yet how does this work? How does myth convey truth? How does architecture reflect eternal verities? How does the written word humanize and sanctify us? What treasure and stability does an ancient faith hold for the unsettled modern mind? 

Howard spent his life answering these questions. Christians of all walks of life will appreciate his witty, devout, and cutting observations on faith, art, and the incarnation of Christ. In this volume, readers will also encounter beloved teachers, writers, and friends who influenced Howard’s theological imagination, including C. S. Lewis and T. S. Eliot.

Editorial Reviews

“Thomas Howard’s writing is some of the most wondrous and vital ever to come into existence, and I’m deeply grateful to God for giving us this inestimable gift.”
—Eric Metaxas, Bestselling Author, Bonhoeffer and Is Atheism Dead?

“Most of these essays are about the rich and paradoxical relationship between the two things Tom loved most: Christ and culture, holiness and art. Howard loved and embodied great charm and grace and gentlemanliness, but he also embodied something of another order: great faith, hope, and charity.”
—Peter Kreeft, from the Foreword

“Reading Thomas Howard will make you smarter. More importantly, you see and experience the wondrous union of faith and reason in the contemplation of truth, beauty, and goodness. A most welcome and enriching collection!”
—Carl Olson, Editor, Catholic World Report

“The themes are weighty, but Howard's tone is always engaging and accessible. Artists and writers in particular will feel encouraged by his clear and inspiring insights regarding their vocation."
—Sally Read, Author, Annunciation and Night’s Bright Darkness

“For those who never knew Howard, these essays will introduce you to one of the most sparkling, entertaining and whimsical thinkers to have blessed the Catholic Church from the estimable halls of Evangelical academia.”
—Father Dwight Longenecker, Author, There and Back Again: A Somewhat Religious Odyssey


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