Man Before God (Digital)

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April 30, 2012
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In Man Before God, the ; mystic Adrienne von Speyr ; offers her reflections on this personal encounter with the ; God who is eternal love. Acknowledging the limitations of ; man in the face of the boundlessness of God, she considers ; both the various ways God continues to speak to man-through ; his Word in Scripture, through his Son in the sacraments, ; though saints and neighbors-as well as the necessity for ; man to respond. Through her guidance, we come to see every ; circumstance as an invitation to encounter and worship ; God.

From this perspective she explores with clarity and ; simplicity such topics as:

  • the meaning of ; prayer and contemplation
  • living in the ; Word
  • the relationship between discipleship and ; Eucharist
  • the place of Mary and the ; Church
  • the meaning of work and the religious life, ; joy and truth, knowledge and ; darkness