Love Unveiled: The Symbolon Book

The Catholic Faith Explained

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Product Details

Product Code:
1 (in)
Size (HxW):
8.25 x 5.75 (in)
Publication date:
June 01, 2017
11.02 oz
All Categories
Religious Ed

Product Overview

Man cannot live without love.... His life is senseless if love is not revealed to him, if he does not encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own, if he does not participate intimately in it.
— John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis

If you were asked what immediately comes to mind when you hear the words Catholic Church, would you answer "an intimate relationship with the God who loves me"?

If not, you would do well to read this engaging and thought-provoking book which explains why such a relationship is the reason for everything the Church does and teaches. Professor Edward Sri will show you how all the pieces of the Catholic faith, including the most baffling ones, fit together to make one beautiful mosaic of God's love for us and our own participation in that all-encompassing love.

Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church as his itinerary, Sri will walk you through all the important aspects of the Catholic Church—what Catholics believe about God and the difference it should make in life. Along the way he addresses such often-heard questions as:

  • Why do I need the Church—can't I be spiritual on my own?
  • Isn't one religion just as good as another?
  • How is the death of a man two thousand years ago relevant for my life today?
  • Why does the Church talk so much about morality? Can't I make up my own morals?
  • Is it really our responsibility to care for the poor— doesn't God help those who help themselves?
  • Why do Catholics and Protestants disagree? Must Catholics worship Mary and always obey the pope?

More than an intellectual enterprise, this work is also a deep spiritual reflection and a practical guide to living out our faith in Christ. It aims to form both the head and the heart, not only helping us to understand Jesus and his plan of salvation, but inspiring us to love God and our neighbor better.

Editorial Reviews

"This book will be a breakthrough for many people. Dr. Sri shows divine love as the inner logic of the Catholic faith — the one thing that makes sense of everything we believe and do. His presentation is clear and simple, and it goes straight to the heart of the matter (and the hearts of readers)."
— Scott Hahn, Author, Rome Sweet Home

"'God is love' St. John tells us. This book helps us to understand all that short phrase means. It is a book for those with questions seeking answers. Catholic answers that only the faith can provide."
Cardinal George Pell, Prefect, Secretariat for the Economy

"Edward Sri is one of the best teachers of the faith in our generation.  He reveals the Catholic Faith as not just a set of beliefs but a lifestyle filled with love.  This is a superb introduction to the Catholic way of life!"
John Bergsma, Professor of Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville

"The Church  is a bride whose beauty will speak for itself when she is unveiled. Dr. Sri has done just this through his characteristic charity and clarity, revealing the harmony and richness of the Catholic faith."
Jason Evert, Author, Saint John Paul the Great

"Edward Sri shows  how Catholicism presents a God who is anything but disinterested, a God who  is deeply personal and desires to share His very life with us… with you."
Curtis Martin, Founder, Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS)

Love Unveiled unfolds the love of God  revealed  in the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church.  Anyone who wants to understand the Church—and the great love God has for us—would do well to read this book."
Most Reverend James Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska


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