Letters to Gabriel (Digital)

The True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum

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Publication date:
February 21, 2012
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Product Overview

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Foreword by Mother Teresa

This moving collection of intimate, poignant, and heart-warming letters was written by Karen Santorum to her unborn child, Gabriel Michael. During her pregnancy, Karen wrote letters to her son, never expecting that the letters would someday be published. Though her pregnancy began as normal, Karen ended up experiencing serious difficulties with her pregnancy at the same time that her husband Rick Santorum, the Republican Senator for Pennsylvania, was leading the charge against partial birth abortions in the U.S. Senate.

Letters to Gabriel is the story of Gabriel Michael's short, but meaningful life, and a tribute to the sanctity of life, the deep faith of the Santorums, and strong family values. The intimate bond between mother and child is expressed by Karen with great tenderness and love. This is a deeply moving book that will touch the heart of its readers with the beauty of the gift of life, and inspire them to share it with others.

Editorial Reviews

"May God bless Richard and Karen Santorum, and console them with the knowledge that their son is in Heaven. May Mary, the Mother of Jesus, use these inspiring letters to encourage all expectant mothers to cherish the gift of life they carry, and to love the child within their womb."
- Mother Teresa

"A courageous and deeply moving account. A story filled with hope, faith and courage."
- Charlton Heston

"When the Santorums received a blessing named Gabriel, they suddenly experienced the reality at the heart of a public policy argument about respect for life. This is their story."
- George F. Will

"This moving book quietly and lovingly reminds us why, and for what, we truly grieve: not our own lives, but the loss of others. Highly recommended."
- Gary L. Bauer

"Karen Santorum's incredible book is both powerful and tender. It is a profound reminder that human life is created and loved by God for his own purpose."
- Cal Thomas


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