Image of God - Grade 6 Teacher's Manual, 2nd Ed Updated

God's Merciful Love

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Product Details

Product Code:
1.1 (in)
Size (HxW):
12 x 10.1 (in)
Publication date:
July 12, 2019
51.33 oz
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Religious Ed

Updated 2nd Edition on USCCB Conformity List

The updaed 2nd edition has a more in-depth and extensive explanation of what it means to be created in God's image.

The student text is a perform-a-text which combines text and activity in one book providing clear, comprehensive and interesting presentation of the Catholic Faith. The key Concepts of Faith for this curriculum are that we are persons created in God's image which affects how we choose to act and that the Bible is a history of God's merciful love. The student text includes summaries of the Scripture readings which can be used as homework assignments to involve the parents. The student text also includes references to the YOUCAT and the CCC. The lessons are complimented by colorful illustrations.

THEME: Emphasis on the Old Testament with special focus on the Book of Genesis. While studying the Old Testament the students experience their Catholic Family Story - the history of salvation.
Teacher's manuals are very detailed, thorough and full of practical ideas. There are optional courses of study suggestions to fit various teaching settings and suggested time allotments for a one-day-a-week and five-days-a-week programs.

  • Review and discussion questions stimulate classroom dialogue and help children verbalize what they have learned.
  • Liturgical and Holiday lessons help children participate in the Church year. Prayer service suggestions build a spirit of community as children pray together spontaneous and formal prayers.
  • Living the Lesson section is designed to stimulate discussion by offering the students an opportunity to apply the focus of the lesson to their daily lives. Optional projects are suggested.

The teacher manual also contains choices of activities, correspondence to the CCC and the YOUCAT, and formal prayers to know, plus scriptural prayers from the Psalms and both Old Testament and New Testament canticles and prayers. The Appendix includes Lesson Family Notes to be sent home to stimulate family discussions and activities. The Lesson quizzes and tests may be used as gradable material to assess the student comprehension.