Faith and Life - Grade 6 Parish Catechist Manual

Following Christ

$39.95 $35.96


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Product Details

Product Code:
0.88 (in)
Size (HxW):
12 x 9.5 (in)
Publication date:
October 27, 2016
38 oz
All Categories
Religious Ed

The Parish Catechist Manual is designed specifically for implementing the Faith and Life Series into a teachable weekly lesson of 60-90 minutes in length.  Each chapter of the Student Text is rendered in one lesson and the catechist, whether experienced or a parent without experience, is given all the tools and instructions needed to bring out the main elements of the chapter. 

Designed specifically with the parish catechist in mind.

The Faith and Life Third Edition series is a comprehensive catechetical series for Grades 1-8.  It combines a solid doctrinal text with a scriptural presentation enhanced by beautiful classical and original artwork.  Based on the story of Salvation History, each grade level speaks of the historical story of God's love to lead the student to encounter Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Using the time-tested ecclesial methodology and spiral development of catechesis, the series has been updated and enhanced over the years into both a student and teacher friendly, comprehensive format. There are separate instructor manuals for school and parish settings but the same student text.  For a comprehensive overview of the series, a full scope and sequence, and more sample downloads, please visit the Faith and Life series website.

Important Notice if your school or parish is moving to digital learning. The complete Faith and Life Series is also available in 2 digital formats:

1.  Faith and Life Online is a fully interactive online course provided through our partnership with MyCatholicFaithDelivered and is available for purchase via student licenses.  This is a self-guided course with the complete student text (available in English and Spanish), voice read over, online activities as well as quizzes, tests, and assessment technology so that the teacher can follow the progress of each individual student via the instructor dashboard.

2. Faith and Life digital version on EdTech (  Ignatius Press' partnership with EdTech provides a digital platform of all the Faith and Life textbooks in a classroom like environment where the teacher can create layover lessons of the student text, highlight text for the student to see and add comments etc.  It is not a fully interactive course like Faith and Life Online, but rather a digital platform where the texts are provided digitally and the students log into their accounts to access the digital texts, the teacher's lesson plans, comments and overlays.  The teacher can communicate with the students via the online platform. This can be used in both an in classroom context where students have laptops or tablets as well as in a situation where all the students are at home and need to access the text and lessons being provided by the teacher.  For more information, go to and fill out the forrm under the "Contact Us" link, or contact them directly: 888-228-6292, by email:

Please note that the digital versions of Faith and Life are on independent platforms run by our partners.  Ignatius Press customer service can not modify or change anything on our partner platforms.  Please contact them directly for service and information.