Couples, Awaken Your Love (Digital)

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With the luminous insight that we have come to expect from his writings, Robert Cardinal Sarah helps spouses rediscover the deep source of their love—God Himself—and the means for letting love between them grow.

This book presents the essentials of a retreat that the cardinal preached to married couples in Lourdes, France. It is meant for all couples, including those who are struggling. There is a path to renewal for everyone, and couples in every situation can find again the preciousness of the love that binds them, no matter how hidden it may be.

We are all, without exception, called to joy, and Christ alone can give it to us. He works through his Church, through the sacraments, and through his saints—especially Mary, the Mother of God, who heals couples.

Editorial Reviews

"A vivid, profoundly rich reflection on the nature of Christian marriage, its struggles and joys, and its sanctifying role in a hostile world. As the author notes, the future of humanity passes through the family. The sacrifices, mercies, and spirit of forgiveness that sustain a faithful husband and wife radiate outward; and through them, God begins to 'make all things new'."
— Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia 

"It's clear that in the sporting match of the culture wars, our side has been taking a beating lately. His Eminence Cardinal Sarah is here to give us the fourth-quarter pep talk and game plan we need. This little book lays out a beautiful strategy of how married couples can work together to strengthen our bonds of sacrificial love and fight against a culture of death."
— Kendra Tierney, Author, The Catholic All Year Compendium and The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion

"I would welcome this book for its moving spousal prayers and workshops alone. Their regular practice would certainly, positively transform many marriages. But Cardinal Sarahone of the world's most important religious voicesalso tells us, in his characteristically clearheaded and inspiring prose, what is required for believers' marriages to thrive in the twenty-first century, against daunting odds."
— Helen M. Alvaré, Author, Breaking Through; Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University

"This book is a treasure trove of rich theological and pastoral insights into the lifelong bond of Holy Matrimony. A beautiful reminder that Christ is the fountain from which married couples receive the strength, power, and grace that they need to help each other get to heaven."
— Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality


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