Combo: Pray (DVD) and Fr Peyton's Rosary Prayer Book

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Publication date:
February 18, 2021
18 oz
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PRAY: The Story of Fr. Patrick Peyton (DVD)

This beautifully filmed, deeply inspiring documentary chronicles the life of a poor, uneducated Irish immigrant who journeys to America in 1928 hoping to become a millionaire. Instead, he is miraculously healed of tuberculosis through the intercession of Our Lady, becomes a Holy Cross priest and spends his life inspiring millions to experience the power of prayer, especially the family Rosary. We see Father Peyton’s amazing years in Hollywood, where he enlists numerous iconic stars of his day — Bing Crosby, Maureen O’Hara, Jimmy Stewart, Loretta Young, and many more — to create radio dramas and TV specials that spread his famous message, “The family that prays together stays together.”

Then Father Peyton takes to the globe, gathering millions at massive Rosary rallies worldwide to hear his moving message of family unity through prayer. This is the incredible story of a tireless missionary and modern Marian apostle, an unlikely hero, and one of history’s greatest advocates for family prayer and the power of the Rosary. Father Peyton died in 1992 and was declared "Venerable" by the Church in 2017 as his cause for canonization continues in Rome.

72 minutes


The most complete prayer book of meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary today. Fr. Peyton gives 230 profound meditations on the twenty mysteries of the Rosary, with each set of five meditations having its own spiritual theme. Includes the Luminous Mysteries, all the Rosary prayers, and lovely color illustrations.

336 pages, Sewn Softcover