Charles De Foucauld, Second Edition (Digital)

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March 23, 2022
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Product Overview

The popularity of Charles de Foucauld continues to spread around the globe as time goes on. Unknown during his lifetime as a solitary monk in the Sahara Desert, and assassinated by bandits in 1916, this former French playboy had a radical conversion to Christ that compelled him to live a deeply ascetical religious life that has had a great impact on the world since his death.

He will be officially canonized a saint by Pope Francis on May 15, 2022.

This definitive biography by Jean-Jacques Antier, a renowned French author of more than 50 books, is the fruit of his exhaustive research on Foucauld's life, writings and correspondence. He was given access to the complete archive on the life of Foucauld from the Congregation of the Saints compiled for his Canonization process. Antier also interviewed numerous witnesses resulting in a powerful, inspiring biography of this holy, 20th century figure, a "personality of fire".

Illustrated with 16 pages of photos, and indexed.

Editorial Reviews

"This is no saccharine-coated saint's life, but a sober and gripping account of what it costs to live exclusively for the love of Christ while struggling with the resistance of human nature and a hostile environment."
— Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis, Author, Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word

"Charles de Foucauld is an extraordinary figure, and still too little known. His life reads like a dramatic contemporary masterpiece written in God's own handwriting. This biography captures beautifully the essence of a man who, once he found God, was never satisfied except to give all to God."
— Father Donald Haggerty, Author, Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation

"No one knows Charles de Foucauld like Jean Jacques Antier. One comes away from this biography with a Foucauld-like desire to amputate worldly comforts to enter more fully into the uncomfortable and challenging but ordered life of Jesus Christ."
— Kevin Wells, Author, Priest and Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz

"A spiritual roadmap leading the reader toward a profound experience of God's merciful love. As you mine the riches of this book and experience his lifetime of struggles, joys and sorrows, de Foucauld's search for truth will draw you more deeply into the heart of Christ and inflame your desire for intense communion with the Lord. A magnificent read!"
— Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality

"An important book. Foucauld experienced excessive freedom in following his own will in everything. He shows the key to being a follower of Christ: self-abandonment to Jesus. The story of Charles de Foucauld will revive the Church in the twenty-first century."
— Terry Barber, Author, How to Share Your Faith with Anyone


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