Cause of Our Joy (Digital)

Walking Day by Day with Our Lady

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These meditations on Mary are filled with wisdom and hope. On ordinary days, on Marian holy days, and in times of spiritual and moral challenges, they offer the strength and the consolation that come from a relationship with the Mother of Jesus.

Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C., a contemplative Poor Clare nun and an acclaimed spiritual writer, wrote with an intimate familiarity of the Mother of God. To her Mary was real, lovable, and accessible, and her words help the reader to discover that walking with Our Lady day by day is the cause of our unending joy.

The book includes reflections for the feasts and solemnities of Mary throughout the year. It incorporates the most cherished Marian prayers of the Church, such as the Rosary, the Litany of Loreto, and the Magnificat. Also included are some of the author's poems and a moving tribute to her life and Marian devotion in the form of a foreword written by her Poor Clare spiritual daughters.

Editorial Reviews

"It is obvious that the heart and mind of Mother Mary Francis have been enriched by her meditations on the Marian titles, feasts, and mysteries of the Rosary.  It could do the same for any reader of her book!"
Mother Assumpta Long, O.P., Superior, Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

"In Cause of Our Joy we have an exquisite posthumous flower from the spiritual garden of Mother Mary Francis, who left behind a spiritual heritage of no small merit, especially the right to be merry of the poor in spirit."
— Right Rev. Philip Anderson, O.S.B., Abbot, Our Lady of Clear Creek Monastery

"The writings of Mother Mary Francis are a sharing of a lifetime of spiritual wisdom of an abbess, and the richness of her many years leading her community. She teaches us how to pray well."
Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B., Author, The Ear of the Heart

"These reflections are an overflow of the author's contemplative union with Jesus and with his Mother.  Mother Mary Francis shares from the richness of her own intimate familiarity with the Mother of God, thus drawing the reader into a deeper knowledge of Our Lady and into a more loving relationship with her who is the Cause of Our Joy."
Sister M. Regina van den Berg, F.S.G.M., Author, Communion with Christ: According to Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross


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