Catholicism Pilgrimage Adult Leader's Guide

$29.95 $26.96


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Product Details

Product Code:
0.6 (in)
Size (HxW):
11 x 9.5 (in)
Publication date:
September 23, 2013
26 oz
All Categories
Religious Ed

Catechists or parents will interact with their students throughout the journey to experience together what Catholics believe and why. This program can be used by:
--Catechists who want to supplement their regular catechetical program with visually engaging and interesting material
--Facilitators in a parish setting where adults and young people are participating together
--Parents with teens or pre-teens at home.


"It links the IDEAS of Catholicism to a SHARED EXPERIENCE . . . brings it back to the reality that Catholicism is not merely a philosophy, but a shared experience of the encounter with God through Christ."
--Patrick Winter, Jesuit high school teacher 

"These lessons were very inspiring and motivational for loving and learning more about God. I enjoyed how thorough the lessons were because I have now learned more that I have ever learned before! This is definitely a show I would recommend to my Youth Group."
--Grace, 7th grade  

"My children really enjoyed seeing the holy places where Jesus was born, died and rose from the dead. They were very interested in the churches that were built on those holy sites."
--Jenny, parent of two (ages 9 and 12)  

Order today for summer or fall programs to share the beauty, goodness and truth of the Faith with younger Catholics!