Catholic Theology

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Product Details

Product Code:
1 (in)
Size (HxW):
8.5 x 5.5 (in)
Publication date:
January 26, 2017
13 oz
All Categories

Product Overview

This book might have been subtitled “A Guide to Catholic Theology After Vatican II for those born after 1968”—though people born before 1968 will benefit from reading it, too. The author, Tracey Rowland, provides a reliable who’s who and what’s what when it comes to Catholic theology today. A renowned theologian, winner of the prestigious Ratzinger Prize in theology, and member of the International Theological Commission, Rowland explains the basic elements of Catholic theology, and then explores the main theological groups in contemporary Catholic theology: various kinds of Thomists, the Communio theologians (such as Joseph Ratzinger himself), the Concilium theologians, and Liberation theology.

Rowland writes for first-time students trying to make sense of Catholic theology today, as well as for those more knowledgeable of theology. The appendices include a list of Doctors of the Church, all encyclicals since the 19th century, the documents of Vatican II, and a list of definitions of various Christological heresies from the period of the early Church Councils.

Editorial Reviews

“It is hard to think of a better introduction to contemporary Catholic theology.” 
Church of England Newspaper

“Rowland, one of the finest Catholic theologians writing today, combines fundamental and historical theology, offers a wide range of insights into numerous theologians and movements, and provides an informative tour of the most significant schools of modern theology.” 
Catholic Herald

“Puzzled about the nature of Catholic theology and what is at stake in arriving at a decisive, informed and robust answer? Tracey Rowland is both an outstanding guide to this complex theological field as well as a passionate and thoughtful advocate for a position within that field. Rowland is lucid and engaging in her prose, widely read and intelligently faithful to revelation and its ecclesial nature. It is little wonder that Rowland was made a member pf the International Theological Commission. This is an indispensable help to new students and seasoned theologians.” 
Gavin D'Costa, University of Bristol, UK

“In terms of recent Catholic Theology (and by that I mean the last 130 years) this is the best introduction yet written, without doubt. The clear, lucid style, married to encyclopaedic knowledge of all the in and outs of Catholic Theology is a sheer delight, and an amazing teaching aid. But more than that, Rowland offers a double gift insofar as this work is itself a most interesting work of theology. I could not recommend this book highly enough.” 
Conor Cunningham, University of Nottingham, UK


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