Calm in Chaos

Catholic Wisdom for Anxious Times

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Product Code:
0.5 (in)
Size (HxW):
8 x 5.25 (in)
Publication date:
July 05, 2018
9 oz
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Product Overview

In these brilliant essays the renowned writer and churchman Fr. George Rutler addresses our current causes of anxiety and our never-changing, ever-new reasons for hope. His writings on the issues of our day are neither pessimistic nor optimistic, because they are infused with the confidence that God grants us his peace and no earthly circumstance can take it away.

With insight and wit, with breadth and depth, Fr. Rutler comments on the confusion in the Church and the chaos in Western societies, which are not without precedent but are on a uniquely global scale. An underlying theme is his dismay at the lack of historical perspective. He says that the gremlin that haunts our times is ignorance and a failure to recall and to understand the trials of the past.

Editorial Reviews

"Fr. Rutler says, 'The gremlin that haunts our times is not heresy as much as it is ignorance.'; But how to overcome ignorance? It must be not just with truth but with winsomeness—two things Fr. Rutler has in spades."
— Karl Keating, Founder, Catholic Answers; Author, Catholicism and Fundamentalism

"Some writers are worth reading because they write beautifully. Others comment brilliantly on current events. Some impart historical knowledge. A few have genuine theological or philosophical insights. Fr. Rutler does all of this—consistently, gracefully, powerfully. He is a treasure."
— Carl E. Olson, Editor, Catholic World Report; Author, Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?

"Fr. Rutler's ability to mingle the witticisms and wisdom of philosophers and frauds along with the triumphs and tragedies of politicians, popes, princes, and poets makes reading each essay an invigorating, enlightening, and entertaining delight."
 — Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Blogger, Speaker, Parish Priest; Author, The Romance of Religion

"Fr. Rutler endeavors to delight as well as instruct, and he manages both beautifully. This book is a treat. Its deep wisdom transfigures its pleasures into uplifting lessons."
— Roger Kimball, Editor and Publisher, the New Criterion

"The range of Fr. Rutler's polymathic learning and acute judgments, and the mordancy of his wit are amazing."
— William J. Tighe, Ph.D., Professor of History, Muhlenberg College

"Fr. Rutler is a man of parts: graduate of Dartmouth, Oxford, and Rome's Angelicum; linguist, painter, violinist, and boxer; preacher extraordinaire. He is also that contemporary clerical rarity—an accomplished man of letters who writes as gracefully as he speaks."
— George Weigel, Author, The Fragility of Order

"There is no other writer in the world like Fr. Rutler. If you want to know about King Charles II, saints and demons, World War II, or even those odd fellows named Madison and Jefferson, go not to Harvard but to Fr. Rutler, and he will bring them to life for you."
— Anthony Esolen, Ph.D., Translator, Dante's Divine Comedy


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