An Immovable Feast

How I Gave Up Spirituality for a Life of Religious Abundance

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Product Details

Product Code:
0.9 (in)
Size (HxW):
9.2 x 6.1 (in)
Publication date:
March 14, 2018
19 oz
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Product Overview

A winsome, beautifully written, page-turning read of a modern spiritual journey. This is the colorful story of one man's religious path that begins with a fundamentalist Baptist childhood to an adolescence in emergent church spirituality. He moves on through hipster years as a house painter and musician, then marries and enters a seminary in Wisconsin. After years of wearing a black cassock and preparing to be an Anglican priest, and his final bold decision of joining the Catholic Church, Tyler Blanski's tale does not reject suitors of religion, but seduces them.

An Immovable Feast is a profound love story told with humor, wisdom and bite. A fresh breeze blows through it, one that perhaps hasn't blown through Christian conversation in a long time. Blanski reminds us that religion is not dead because it is not mortal. It is the liturgy of heaven...on earth.

Editorial Reviews

"This book reads like poetry, entertains like satire, and convicts as only the truth can convict. It is a marvel of charity and a prodigy of style."
— Scott Hahn, Ph.D., Author, Rome Sweet Home

"This astonishing spiritual biography deserves to become a classic of contemporary conversion literature and Catholic apologetics. It has everything: searing honesty, theological depth, a prose style that at times reaches the heights of poetry, and an all-pervasive sense of humor."
—Fr. John Saward, Author, Mysteries of March and Redeemer in the Womb

"How many times have you heard someone say, 'I'm spiritual without being religious.' Now you have a response: hand them this book."
Dale Ahlquist, President, American Chesterton Society

"The rarest of conversion stories: beautifully written, rich in content, filled with energy, shrewd irony, and humor, and in the end, a great source of hope for the reader. With converts as articulate as Tyler Blanski, the Church is in excellent shape."
Most Rev. Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia

"An Immovable Feast is indeed a feast to both mind and heart. It is a deeply detailed conversion story, worthy to be compared with those of Scott Hahn and Sheldon Vanauken. Expect great things from this man!"
Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Boston College

"Blanski speaks for many people in today's culture as he shares his unlikely journey of finding true spiritual freedom in religion. Through intimate stories and beautifully crafted prose, he inspires the reader to see an 'old- fashioned' religious institution through fresh eyes."
Jennifer Fulwiler, Author, Something other than God

"A gripping tale of love, longing, coming of age, and conversion will awaken your heart with a burning for God. An Immovable Feast is sure to grab hold of your heart and not let it go."
Christopher West, Author, Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing

"Tyler Blanski's account of his conversion is an eloquent testimony of how, amid the relativism and subjectivism of contemporary culture, he finally discovered in the Catholic faith the answer to the deepest longings of the human heart."
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Author, Hope for the World

"Blanski traces his journey to the heart of the faith in an insightful and beautifully written memoir, by turns moving, challenging, and gently humorous. In the best Chestertonian spirit, it is quietly subversive, suggesting that sometimes turning one's world upside-down is the only way to put things right-side-up."
Holly Ordway, Author, Not God's Type

"Of the many testimonials from Evangelical Christian believers who have found their way into the ancient Catholic Church, I would place Mr. Blanski's work at the very top. I highly recommend it!"
Thomas Howard, Author, Chance or the Dance?

"It is rare to find a conversion story that is not only great theology, but great literature. Enjoy Blanski's poetic prose as he leads you to the beauty ever ancient, ever new."
John Bergsma, Ph.D., Professor of Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville

"A stirring memoir. With echoes of Augustine, Dante, and Merton, An Immovable Feast is a captivating read from one of today's best young Catholic writers."
Brandon Vogt, Author, Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too)

"A real story, filled with grace, intelligence, and integrity, that shows us that Saint Augustine's prayer is as true today as it was when he first uttered it: 'You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.'"
Francis Beckwith, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Church-State Studies, Baylor University

"Blanski recounts his journey to the Catholic faith with engaging transparency, sparkling prose, and crisp enthusiasm. His passionate search for beauty, truth, and goodness shines brightly among contemporary conversion stories."
Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Author and Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary, Greenville, South Carolina

"Replete with humor, wisdom, and verve, Tyler Blanski intertwines the fascinating personal journey of a modern young hipster with hard-won insights on the timeless truths sought out by every generation."
Kevin Vost, Psy.D., Author, The One-Minute Aquinas


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